
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 2

Fakalofa lahi atu blogging world

Today was the summer learning journey day 2.The were 3 activity's like day one but I only picked one as always.Today the activity I picked was up in the air.I pick it because being up in the air could be really scary but it could be exciting at same time.

Being up in the air is really cool because you can explore the world from up high and see how big the world is from up there.It's like having a birds eye view from up top.It is really cool being up in the air cause you can see everything.

If you are scared of heights you would be scared and be excited at the same time.Up in the air is better then being down at the bottom.You might think it is not cool to be up in there but when you try it it would be awesome.You could experiment a lot by being  up in the air and looking at the view.

Have you ever been up in there?If you have please comment down how much you experience up in the

Summer Learning Journey First day

Malo e lelei Blogging world

Today the first day of the  summer learning journey was today.There was 3 options it was 10 foods you would take on a journey on a boat.The second activity was about culture like what culture are you and what culture do you speak.

The third one was about Sir Edmund Hillary  how he was the first person to climb mt Everest and how much resilience he had in himself.The tasked I picked was culture.I picked it because culture is a big thing in my life.I love representing  and performing my culture.

The culture i'm from Tonga.I understand full Tongan but I don't speak the much of Tongan. Performing my culture can be really nervous but it is really exciting cause you hear people cheering for you.When people support you can get a big smile on your face when you perform.

If you were doing the summer learning journey please comment down below which activity you were doing for day 1.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Secret agent

Fakalofa lahi atu blogging world

Last week Monday we had to do a scavenger hunt.The classes that did the scavenger hunt was Room 8 and Room 6.I'm going to show you a DLO of what we did.

Feel free to comment down below if you guys have done a scavenger hunt like this.

Thursday, October 17, 2019



What is respect.At my school Hay Park it is one of our 3 values.

To start off the term I have made a little video about how to show respect in the office

I can show respect by showing each other kindness.

Over the next few weeks I am focusing on being an active listener.

Feel free to comment down how you show respect.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Fakalofa lahi atu blogging world

We had a to film a lot of scenes for a film last week and I am talking about the filming last week.How did you feel about the film making process?I felt scared because I thought that my groups film wasn't going to represent our class at the Capitol theater.Filming in my class took 4 to 5 weeks.

What did you enjoy?What part I enjoyed of filming is?My Favourite part was recording the scenes because I could practice standing still and recording straight at the scene.What did you find Challenging?The part I found out about doing the films scene was  standing still while recording because I would always do a shot from a particular side.

What did I learn ?I learned that recording for an actual film is not that easy.If your the filmer you are going to be standing at sides so we could catch the film.What advice would give to someone creating a film next year?It´s a hard job because you would have to go into a lot of corners to get the shot in the film.When I had to film I had to do a lot of shots like wide shot and long shot the hardest shot for me was the birds eye view.I had to stand on something to record from up top so it could look like a birds eye view.

Feel free to leave a comment down below and some questions to say how was filming when you did it?

Friday, August 23, 2019

Basketball lesson 2

Kia  Orana Blogging world

Today we had another basketball lesson. It was sensational.Our teacher for basketball Jahlal taught us four new passes.The first pass was a chest pass.When we did a chess pass most of the students couldn't stand their ground.If they couldn't stand their ground that would haved been a travel and,if it was a real game it would be a hand over.

I enjoyed play ball tag.We got into a boy team and a girl team.The whole entire game was about communication with your team.We had to call for the ball so we could get the girls out.We had to throw the ball to each other so we could get close to the girls and get them out.

My next step is to stand my ground so I can't be a travel and to push the ball with my left hand.

Friday, August 16, 2019

First Basketball Lesson

Fakalofa Lahi atu blogging world

Today we had our first basketball lesson and the best word I could say about basketball is
phenomenal.  We were taught by a coach name Jelal.I loved it because I learned a lot of new stuff that i didn't know about basketball.We had to run and bounce the ball but the hard part that my class and I couldn't do was stop right away.

One of the  the most important skills in basketball is dribbling if you don't dribble in basketball that will be a travel and a hand over to the other team.If your playing in actual game against a team it is important to look up while you dribble because if just look at the ball you won't know what is happening around you.

Stance is another skill in basketball.Stance is when you bent your knees.Most of the people in my class could not stay in a stance and bounce that the ball for long.In basketball if you've stopped one skill you could do is pivot.Pivoting means turning around on one knee.At the end of lesson we played a game called golden child.Here is a photo of me dribbling.